Buses are the most commonly used means of public transport. For this reason we provide car rental services at Vilnius, Kaunas and Klaipėda city bus stations.
We recommend renting a car at the bus stations for tourists, residents or people for whom this pick-up location is convenient.
Car rental at Vilnius, Kaunas, Klaipėda city bus stations, comparing other major rental desks in the city is exactly the same. Since the cars are delivered to the bus stations, you can choose from all the offers of economy, compact, medium, standard, SUV, minibus or luxury car classes.
The most popular cars for rent at bus stations are economy, compact and middle class. Cars in these classes are characterized by cheap rental rates and practicality when driving in or out of the city.
To pick up the car at the bus station a reservation must be made via the website or by contacting us by phone or email. When making a reservation, the most important thing is to indicate the time of picking up the car as the car will be delivered at your chosen time. If your plans change and you are unable to arrive at the booked time contact us and we will change the time to suitable for you.
If you’re not sure when to return the car, that’s also not a problem. During the rental of the car, you can postpone the day or time of return and extend the rental until the date you need.
Not only the date can be changed, but also the place of returning the car. You can leave the car not only at bus station but also at the city airport or at the rental desks located around the city center.
Car rental at Vilnius bus station as well as at Kaunas and Klaipėda bus stations is especially convenient because you can reach the city center, the Old Town by foot or in any other way in just a few minutes therefore you do not waste time on long trips to and from the rental desks.